What is Blueprint ?
Blueprint is a design led print show put together by design studios, and it's something we wanted to do as a group to see what we could achieve. We want the show to appeal to clients from all the different industries that need great artwork for their future products. Several of us not only sell artwork outright, but we license as well.
The show will be open to everyone that registers with us online. We are looking forward to attracting clients from all over America and worldwide to this exciting, creative show !
How did we all come together ?
A few of us already know each other from various trade shows. We got talking and thought it would be a great idea to put together our own show. We have all been involved in putting the various aspects of the show together, which has been a lovely experience. As studios we all bring something different and exciting to the table, and can offer a great choice of artwork to the visitors of Blueprint.
We are studios from the UK, the USA, the Netherlands, India and France, and we are all determined to make it work.
Why New York in May ?
Through our discussions together we realised we were all meeting our various clients in New York during this particular week, and in general it meant either we went to see our clients in their hotels, or they were coming to see us in our hotels. We thought what a great idea it would be if we could find a great location in Manhattan, and as a group, put on our print show so that our clients would only have one place to go to meet us.
What is the future for Blueprint ?
We are all looking at this as an event for the future, and it will be good to get the first show under our belt ! This time we are twelve studios and if we can make Blueprint a success, there is no reason why we can't grow and accomodate more studios in the future.
The First Show in May 2015 !
Exciting New Venue !
Studio Arte, 265 W 37th Street, New York 10018 !

Any Questions : Please email us at blueprintmay@gmail.com